Historical Battlefield Archaeology in the Martyr’s Memorial Museum of RU: Practice, Problems and Prospects
battlefield archaeology, archaeological resource, heavy weapons re-examined, skull and bones forensic, status and prospects.Abstract
The history of Bangladesh's independence is being preserved through historical battlefield archaeology. Many battlefield archaeological resources inside and outside the Martyrs Memorial Museum are not being preserved properly. This research follows survey, direct interview, and direct observation methodology, as well as Kothari’s survey formula. It is descriptive qualitative research, and some parts have been analyzed using descriptive statistics and quantitative methods. The total number of outcomes in the sequence of N artifacts is approximately 185 and KII N 291. For weapon destruction, the CHAID and UZRGM systems are applicable. Skulled age and sex are determined through the DNA and 14C systems, the teeth's enamel, the dentine and cementum for soft tissue, single and double implications, decontamination, and the ‘Y' chromosome marker, whose outcome is recommended to authorities for testing. Here the solutions to the problems are identified and surveyed. Almost everyone in the survey agreed to take necessary measures for development. Preparation for marketing to tourists by preserving historical and archaeological resources. In particular, a forensic report on the skull should be made, and heavy weapons should be re-examined for destruction.
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