Marriage, Civilizations, Customs, America, Roman.Abstract
This comparative study explores the diverse customs, traditions, and rituals surrounding marriage in various ancient civilizations, including Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, European, African, and American cultures.The study examines gender roles, marriage practices, and the historical and cultural contexts that have shaped them, as well as how marriage has contributed to and upheld social order.It demonstrates that although marriage was regarded as a sacred institution by all cultures, the particular traditions and ceremonies varied widely. This research uses qualitative methodology, which is done through the analysis of secondary sources, scholarly analysis, and thematic analysis of marriage practices among the selected civilizations. While arranged weddings were widespread in Sumerian and Babylonian societies, legal considerations like dowries and divorce laws were highly regarded in Greek and Roman societies. The study also emphasizes how different gender roles and expectations are in marriage, with some cultures emphasizing the submissive role of women while others value marriages with more equal partners. This study sheds light on the nuanced and varied approaches that ancient civilizations had to the institution of marriage and highlights the significance of comprehending previous cultural practices to better understand the roots of our present society.
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