A Political Analysis of "A Man of the People" by Chinua Achebe


  • Bekhal B. Kareem Lebanese French University Erbil / Kurdistan Region


Chinua Achebe, Corruption, Politics.


This present research paper is concerned with one of the most successful and political novelists in the twentieth century Africa named, Chinua Achebe, who could really depict the real situation of his country, Nigeria, in terms of political instability and corruption. Especially, in his fourth produced novel entitled, A Man of the People in which he portrays his birthplace as one of the most corrupted countries around the world during post-independence era. Achebe is a Nigerian author who writes about different aspects of his country during his lifetime and the reflection of his society could be noticed very clearly in his literary works; especially, in his selected novel. Achebe based his most prominent characters in his novel like M.A. Nanga and Odille on some political figures of his time that have a major role in the corruption in Nigeria. In this sense, his chosen literary text can be seen and read as political source for his country.


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How to Cite

Kareem, B. B. (2017). A Political Analysis of "A Man of the People" by Chinua Achebe. International Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (IJSSH), 2(1), 59–64. Retrieved from https://ijssh.ielas.org/index.php/ijssh/article/view/17