The Benefit of Using Multimedia Projector in English Language Teaching Classroom
Multimedia projector, audio-visual aids, dynamic, benefits, ELT, facilitate.Abstract
The research article presents the benefit of using multimedia projector by teachers of English language. In the era of modern science and technology, the latest portion has been added in language teaching. With the progress of technology, new innovations are being brought up in language teaching. At present, language teachers are using multimedia projector to facilitate the teaching process. Along with text books, language teachers are likely to use pictures, audio clips, videos, power point slides, in language classrooms by the multimedia projector. The purpose of this study is to investigate the benefits that the language teachers as well as the learners get in using multimedia projector in teaching English language. A qualitative process has been followed to collect the data of this research. It has been found that the use of multimedia projector supports both the teacher and the students in learning language skills. As well as this research shows that by using the relevant audio-visual substance how the teachers overcome from teacher oriented classrooms.
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