Inquiry-based teaching, science teaching, secondary science.Abstract
Inquiry-based science teaching shifts traditional classrooms by putting students in charge of their learning, promoting active exploration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This approach deepens scientific understanding and cultivates a lifelong passion for science. Thus, this study aimed at establishing the status of the implementation of inquiry-based teaching in secondary science. Employing a descriptive research to 79 science teachers in the locale of this study, it is concluded that the respondents exhibit a commendable commitment to professional learning opportunities, with widespread availability and frequent utilization, underscoring a dedication to ongoing teacher development. Administrative support for inquiry-based learning is strong, characterized by a very high level of implementation, indicating active endorsement by school leadership. However, resources for inquiry instruction are moderately available, suggesting room for improvement in material accessibility and availability. Despite this supportive administrative environment and a classroom culture encouraging inquiry, teachers infrequently implement inquiry-based instruction, revealing a potential gap between administrative intent and classroom practice. In essence, while the study locale lays a robust foundation for promoting inquiry-based learning, bridging the disconnection between administrative support and teacher practice is essential for maximizing the impact of this innovative teaching approach in enhancing science education.
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